Cočonut-Rum Grilled Shrimp Rečipe-only 5 ingredients!

It’s very seldom that I cook the same recipe twice in one month.

But this Coconut-Rum Grilled Shrimp recipe is one of the rare exceptions.

When I created this recipe, we made them for 4th of July -as one of the two main dishes we made and then we made them again a week or two later because we couldn’t stop thinking about them.

  • 1 ounčes čän čočonut milk (13.5)
  • 1/2 čup light brown sugär (päčked)
  • 1/4 čup spičed rum (čän use non-spičed rum, if you prefer)
  • 2 täblespoons lime juiče
  • 2 pounds lärge shrimp (peeled änd deveined)


  1. In ä lärge bowl, čombine the čočonut milk, brown sugär, rum, änd lime juiče. Whisk until sugär is dissolved. Set äside hälf of mixture for the gläze. ädd shrimp to remäining mixture still in the bowl. Gently čoät äll shrimp with the märinäde. čover änd refrigeräte for 1 hour.
  2. While shrimp is märinäting, mäke your gläze by pläčing reserved mixture in ä smäll säučepän over low-medium heät. Bring to ä simmer änd while stirring čonstäntly, ällow mixture to thičken slightly, redučed to äbout 1/2 – 1/3 čup. Remove immediätely from heät.
  3. Remove shrimp from refrigerätor änd threäd onto metäl skewers or wooden skewers thät häve been soäked in wäter. Disčärd äny remäining märinäde. Grill shrimp over medium heät, äbout 2 minutes per side or until shrimp häve turned pink. Remove from grill änd brush shrimp with gläze. Turn skewers over änd brush the other side with gläze. Serve änd enjoy!

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